Travel Soccer is intended for players that are looking for additional coaching and competition. Teams compete against other Travel teams in Northeastern CT and/or Central Connecticut – teams we play against range from Coventry and Vernon to Manchester, Farmington and South Windsor.

Teams play in a Fall and Spring session (typically 8 – 10 games plus 1 – 2 tournaments per session). Most teams also play during the Winter at a local indoor facility. Indoor Winter and Spring sessions are optional but highly encouraged. Winter sessions may have additional costs and are not included in the travel fees.
Teams typically practice 2 times per week during the Fall Season and 1-2 times per week during the Spring. Players can also play in the Recreation program – In fact, we highly recommend it as a way to speed skill development!
If you are considering playing soccer in Middle School or High School, Travel Soccer gives you the foundation. Players are required to tryout each seasonal year, there are no automatics.

Travel Soccer does require more commitment and dedication from parents and players alike. Our program has grown significantly over the last few years allowing us to often field two teams at several age groups. This enhances our player development process while maintaining a competitive level in the Northeast and North Central districts. However, each age group is evaluated annually through tryouts and the two-team structure is not a guarantee.