The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) has identified an Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) infected mosquito in the Town of South Windsor.
After consulting with the Tolland Public Schools and the Tolland Recreation Department, we will follow their guidelines and take the following precautionary action to limit outdoor activities after dusk.
Effective immediately, all outside soccer activities will end by 6:00 pm.
As we continue to monitor the weather conditions relative to mosquitoes, these precautions will take effect immediately and are to remain in place until further notice.
For Travel and U9-U15 Rec, coaches will be in contact with you regarding rescheduling events. For TOPS and U5-U8 Rec, Program Directors will be in contact with program participants.
Parents/Guardians may always use their discretion and not allow their child to participate in a school outdoor activity. For more information, please see the Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Fact Sheet provided by the North Central District Health Department.
Thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at [email protected].
Warm regards,
Dave Garritt and Erin Reed
Tolland Soccer Club