Welcome and thanks for choosing soccer for this Spring. The goal as always will be to have fun and help kids develop by getting as much contact with the ball as possible.
Spring Soccer gets underway in late April
U5s – Practice is Coed and we will use a series of exercises and games designed to get kids comfortable with the ball but also with the physical activity of soccer (running, moving with the ball, jumping, playing within a large group)
U6s – Practice is Coed and we will use slightly more advanced exercises and drills. The kids will be divided into small teams and we will introduce scrimmage play (15-20 minutes in each session)
U8s – Boys and girls will participate in the same sessions but at different times. The groups are larger and the goal is to develop confidence on the ball and improve technique (ball control, shooting, passing, dribbling). Scrimmage play will be 20 – 30 minutes.
Each child will be provided with a shirt and assigned to a group. They should come with the following:
– A ball: size 3 for U5/U6; Size 4 for U8
– Shin Guards – Optional for U5 but required for U6 and U8
– A bottle of water (very important in Spring)
– Cleats are optional, sneakers and turf shoes are fine as long as they provide a sure footing.
Spring 2019 Schedule for Tolland Soccer U5, U6 and U8 Recreation Soccer.
Weekly Schedule:
U5 – Saturdays, 9.00 – 9.45 am
U6 – Saturdays, 10.00 am – 11.00 am
U8 Boys – Saturdays, 9.00 am – 10.15 am and Wednesdays, 6.00 – 7.15 pm
U8 Girls- Saturdays, 10.30 – 11.45 am and Thursdays, 6.00 – 7.15 pm
Season Schedule:
We will have practice every Saturday or weekday (weather permitting) starting on Saturday, April 27th. All exceptions to these are listed below. If there are any cancellations we will send a notification by email either the day before or day of practice. In the event of a cancellation the U5s will have a make-up session on the following Wednesday (6.00 pm) and the U6s will have a make-up on the following Thursday (6.00 pm)
– Saturday May 25 – No practice (Memorial Day Weekend). There will be a make-up session for U5s on Wednesday May 29th and a make-up session for U6s on Thursday May 30th. Both sessions will be at 6.00 pm.
*There will be makeups on Sunday afternoons…